"There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery and danger! Some say to survive it: You need to be as mad as a hatter."

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Perspectives on Today

When I look at where I've come form and where I am today, there is no doubt in my mind that where I'm going will be extra ordinary!
"Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality." - Brian Tracy

I often get upset with myself because I want to do so many things and often times don't feel like anyone understands.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that we aim too high and we miss it, but we aim too low and reach it." - Michelangelo

However, that just means that people need to start moving up.
"Discontent is the first necessity of progress." - Thomas Edison

I've learned time and again that my instincts are usually right. Now I just need to remember that! I sometimes forget! =P
"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Though they have been many times when I've questioned my worth, I realise that I am awesome! So no matter what people say, I'm a brilliant piece of irreplaceable excellence! =)
"You are unrepeatable. There is a magic about you that is all your own..." - D.M. Dellinger

Human beings need fantasies to be human beings. We need to believe the little lies of the Tooth Fairy, Boogie Man, Santa Claws, Easter Bunny and what nots before we can believer the bigger lies of Justice, Equality and Fairness. Fortunately, when we believe the lies long enough, they'll become truth.
"We are what we think. With our thoughts we make our world." - Buddha

So at the end of the day, I'm going to make the best of what I have and be the best that I can be! I jest need to not be lazy! Lol! But all things are possible if I set my mind to it. Whatever I have shall be accepted gratefully and be to make myself better!=D
"A wise man is he who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." - Epictetus


  1. You know...I totally relate. Especially with these two quotes..,
    "We are what we think. With out thoughts we make our world." -Buddha
    ""Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality." - Brian Tracy

    At times I find myself feeling at my lowest, and entirely clouded with negative thoughts and perceptions not only about myself but situations I may be going through..even now.., and I thing I can guarantee.. 'You are what you think you are' because during these 'low moments' of mine, nothing but unwanted outcomes appear...
    "Think positive, reap positivity."

    Nicely done on the 2nd day man, keep it up! :)

  2. Lol! Thanks Kester!

    But yeah dude, and when you let people being you down, that doesn't help either. Especially when it causes you to lash out against others. At the end of the day we're still people, but it's important to be another day older too!
    "Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped." - African Proverb
